Day 23: Luke 19:1-10

Have you ever stopped to think about all the names that Zacchaeus had been called throughout his life? The Bible says that he was very short, most scholars believe that he probably had dwarfism. He was a tax collector, a Jewish man that was working for the Roman government. And not only that, he was the chief tax collector in that region, so he was even more hated.

Zacchaeus had probably been called every name in the book: Shorty, Traitor, Scum, Low-life, Dog, etc… When you are constantly called something you eventually begin to believe it about yourself. It had probably been awhile since anyone had referred to him by his actual name, and Zacchaeus had more than likely resigned himself to living the rest of his life as an outsider, as someone that was never going to fit in with the rest of society.

When Jesus saw him up in that tree, he said something profound. He called him by his name. “Zacchaeus!” For many reasons I’m sure this startled Zacchaeus. How did Jesus even know his name? Wouldn’t Jesus have looked down on Zacchaeus like all of the other Jews did, why would he call him by his name? Even more astounding is what the name Zacchaeus means: Pure One. That was definitely something Zacchaeus was not, but Jesus didn’t see him that way. He saw this man who was hurting, who was trying to find his place in the world, and wanted to experience something different than what he had lived through his entire life.

What have people called you? What has been spoken over you so many times that even you start to believe it? If we’re not careful we can let how other people see us begin to define us. But how does Jesus see you? Who does he say that you are? Jesus says this, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1). You are his, and that is enough.