Day 26: Luke 19:28-41

The Triumphal Entry! It’s exciting, it’s Palm Sunday! People are dancing and singing in the streets! We see this passage of Scripture from a very human point of view. But verse 41 lets us see Jesus’ point of view of this day.

I can’t imagine the emotions Jesus must have felt. It’s time for the Passover, and there is excitement building throughout the entire city, but Jesus knows what is going to happen over the next week. He also knows what is going to happen in 40 years(the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD). As God, this city is where his temple was built. Going all the way back to David this is where he had been worshiped. This is where His presence dwelt on earth. He wanted nothing more than for the leaders and people of this city to accept him, but he knew they wouldn’t. He knew the rejection he would face, the solitude he would walk in, the pain he would suffer, and the horrible death he would endure. And still he went. Weeping, he went. When everyone else was rejoicing and singing, “Hosanna in the highest!” Jesus wept.