Day 34: Mark 14:1-9
Other people will not understand your worship. This woman came to show her devotion and worship to Jesus in the only way she knew how and was immediately criticized for it. Those that were present thought the jar of perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor, which was specifically commanded during Passover.
In Luke’s Gospel the same story is told from a different perspective, or perhaps it is a different incident altogether. In that account Jesus shared a short story: There were two men who had borrowed money from a lender, one had borrowed 500 coins, the other had borrowed 50. Neither of the men were able to repay their debt, so the lender forgave both of them. He then asks the host, “Who do you suppose loved him more after that?” The obvious answer is the one who was forgiven more.
Don’t allow what other people think is the appropriate way to worship to keep you from worshiping God the way you feel led. This woman had been forgiven much, and, therefore, she loved much. The other people present didn’t like the way she worshiped, but Jesus did. Jesus sees the heart, and if we worship him in truth and in spirit, he will always receive it gladly.