Day 6: John 2:1-11

I love that the first miracle that Jesus performs is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Sure, it meant a lot to that family to not run out of wine at the wedding, and the guests of the feast were obviously happy to have some good wine, but it really didn’t make a huge difference in the Kingdom of God that Jesus was here to bring. In fact, most people didn’t even know that a miracle had taken place, just a few servants and Jesus’ mother and disciples.

So why does John even bother making a record of this inconsequential event? Because Jesus doesn’t just care about the big events. He cares about the little things that no one else ever sees. This miracle did not impact hundreds of people, but think about the story that those servants had to tell. John even says, “This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him.” The disciple saw, they knew what had happened. And they believed in him because of it.

What is happening in your life that you think no one else sees or cares about? What is it that may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but if it was different it would make a huge difference to you? Jesus cares about those things.

In the book of Genesis chapter 16 we see the story of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar. Without getting into all the details, Hagar runs away from Abram and Sarai because Sarai is treating her so harshly. As she is resting beside a spring in the wilderness the Angel of the Lord(another name for the pre-incarnate Christ in the Old Testament) appears to her and tells her to go back to Abram and Sarai, and that God has heard her cry. From that point on Hagar refers to God as “El-Roi.” This name means “The God Who Sees Me.”

What a beautiful description of Jesus. He sees you. When no one else seems to care, he sees you. When you are left alone trying to deal with your pain, he sees you. Even when you think there is no way that God would care about this tiny little thing that you are facing, he sees you. And that is the beauty of the first miracle. It really didn’t matter to anyone else. But Jesus saw, and he moved on behalf of the one that it did matter to. He still does.